

Hi friends,

It is our last day in Switzerland today, and the end of our extra long, mid way break. Tomorrow we fly to the south of Spain for some warm weather and beach going. Quite the contrast to our mountain tops and hovering 0 temperatures. We have a lot of travelling to do in the next month, and probably won't spend more than 2 or 3 days in any location, we will have lots to post about. Also we will be looking into a new camera in Spain so there will be plenty more pictures. Until then, here are some crazy pictures of our lives in Switzerland. 

This was our first day where we actually left the house. We took a train into Grindelwald, then a Gondola up First mountain.

Once up the mountain the view was gorgeous. We took a zip-line down part way, then had a beer in short sleeves in the sun.

  On the way back we stopped in Bern, which is the capital of Switzerland. We didn't spend much time there, but took a walk through the old town.

Yesterday we took another day trip into Weesen, before heading into Elm for lunch. The scenery was beautiful and weather was actually pretty warm.

Then we took another gondola half way up a different mountain, then hopped on a chair lift to go to the peak. Then back down half way for lunch.

This time we rode these fantastic mountain trikes down just as the sun was starting to set. An amazing trip down through the mountain.

Anyway, that's Switzerland. On to Spain tomorrow where we will have some pictures of us in shorts an t-shirts! (Hopefully) Until then!

Love Sarah

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